
Posts Tagged ‘Stan Van Gundy’

magicIt was the tale of two locker rooms after the Orlando versus Portland game. One missed three-pointer could have changed the somber postgame scenery for the Blazers, but it was one of those nights.

The Magic used a little magic and were laughing about it all the way to the chartered bus.

Perhaps the best line after the game came from Stan Van Gundy. I’ll let you be the judge of that one.

No one can blame the guy for not being happy with the outcome. And the same goes for Nate McMillan. No one can blame him for being wrecked. It was a tough loss for Portland and it showed on Nate’s face afterwards.

Brandon Roy took ownership of the loss for the team. Everyone else either hurried, dressed and bolted or lingered in the locker room to avoid whatever media exposure remained fishing for a sound bite.

But down the hall with the Magic, it was as if Christmas had arrived two weeks early.

While much of the team sat chowing down on a postgame meal, all they could talk about was Rudy Fernandez emulating the “Energizer Bunny” coming off screens and pics and stopping only to hit threes. Other than that it was all jokes: a little razzing about some blown assignments and of course much love for Hedo Turkoglu.

It’s like they didn’t want to leave the building.

Good times….not had by all though.

pic via: nba.com

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